Saturday, December 30, 2023

RGUHS B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Question Bank, Blueprint PDF 2024

RGUHS B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Question Bank, Blueprint

RGUHS 1st Year B.Sc Nursing Question Bank, Blueprint

RGUHS nursing 1st year question bank, blueprint includes -
1. Anatomy - QP Code: 1753
2. Physiology - QP Code: 1754
3. Nutrition - QP Code: 1755
4. Biochemistry - QP Code: 1756
5. Nursing foundations - QP Code: 1757
6. Psychology - QP Code: 1758
7. Microbiology - QP Code: 1759

Anatomy Question Bank, Blueprint - QP Code: 1753

Anatomy Unit Wise Questions -

• Long Essays + Short Answers:
Unit 6 - Circulatory and lymphatic system
Unit 7 - The respiratory system
Unit 8 - The digestive system.
• Short Essays + Short Answers:
Unit 1 - Introduction to the contents of anatomy
Unit 2 - The skeletal system
Unit 3 - Muscular system
Unit 4 - The nervous system
Unit 5 - The sensory organs.
Unit 9 - The excretory system
Unit 10 - The endocrine system
Unit 11 - The reproductive system including breast.

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Physiology Question Bank, Blueprint - QP Code: 1754

Physiology Unit Wise Questions -

• Long Essays:
Unit 5 & 12 - Circulatory system & lymphatic & immunological system.
• Short Essays:
Unit 4 - Nervous system
Unit 6 - The respiratory system
Unit 7 - The digestive system
Unit 8 - The excretory system.
• Short Answers:
Unit 2 & 3 - Skeletal system & muscular system
Unit 9 - The sensory organs
Unit 10 - The endocrine glands
Unit 11 - The reproductive system.

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Nutrition Question Bank, Blueprint - QP Code: 1755

Nutrition Unit Wise Questions -

• Long Essays -
Unit 9 - Cookery rules and preservation of nutrients
Unit 10 - Balanced diet
• Short Essays -
Unit 1 - Introduction
Unit 2 - Carbohydrates
Unit 3 - Lipids
Unit 4 - Proteins
Unit 6 - Vitamins
Unit 7 - Minerals
Unit 9 - Cookery rules and preservation of nutrients.
Unit 10 - Balanced diet
Unit 11 - Role of nurse in nutritional programme.
• Short Answers -
Unit 2 - Carbohydrates
Unit 3 - Lipids
Unit 4 - Proteins
Unit 5 - Energy
Unit 6 - Vitamins
Unit 8 - Water and minerals
Unit 10 - Balanced diet

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Biochemistry Question Bank, Blueprint - QP Code: 1756

Biochemistry Unit Wise Questions -

• Long Essays -
Unit 3 - Composition and metabolism of carbohydrates
• Short Essays -
Unit 2 - Structure and functions of cell membrane
Unit 5 - Composition and metabolism of amino acids and proteins
• Short Answers -
Unit 1 - Introduction
Unit 3 - Composition and metabolism of carbohydrates.
Unit 4 - Composition and metabolism of lipids
Unit 6 - Composition of vitamins and minerals
Unit 7 - Immunochemistry

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Nursing Foundations Question Bank, Blueprint - QP Code: 1757

Nursing Foundations Unit Wise Questions -

• Long Essays -
Unit 10 - Meeting needs of patient
Unit 12 - Administration of medication
• Short Essays -
Unit 2 - Nursing as a profession
Unit 5 - The nursing process
Unit 7 - Vital signs
Unit 8 - Health assessment
Unit 10 - Meeting needs to patient
Unit 11 - Infection control in clinical setting
Unit 14 - Meeting special needs of the patient
• Short Answers -
Unit 1 - Introduction
Unit 3 - Hospital admission and discharge
Unit 4 - Communication and nurse patient relationship
Unit 6 - Documentation and reporting
Unit 9 - Machinery, equipment and linen
Unit 11 - Infection control in clinical setting
Unit 12 - Administration of medication
Unit 13 - Meeting needs of peri-operative patients
Unit 15 - Care of terminally ill patient
Unit 16 - Professional nursing concepts and practices

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Psychology Question Bank, Blueprint - QP Code: 1758

Psychology Unit Wise Questions -

• Long Essays -
Unit 3 - Cognitive processes
Unit 4 - Motivation and emotional processes
• Short Essays -
Unit 2 - Biology of behaviour
Unit 3 - Cognitive processes
Unit 4 - Motivation and emotional processes
Unit 5 - Personality
Unit 6 - Developmental psychology
Unit 7 - Mental hygiene and mental health
• Short Answers -
Unit 1 - Introduction
Unit 5 - Personality
Unit 6 - Developmental psychology
Unit 7 - Mental hygiene and mental health
Unit 8 - Psychological assessment and tests

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Microbiology Question Bank, Blueprint - QP Code: 1759

Microbiology Unit Wise Question Bank -

• Long Essays + Short Answers -
Unit 4 - Pathogenic organisms
• Short Essays + Short Answers -
Unit 2 - General character of microbes
Unit 3 - Infection control
Unit 5 - Immunity
• Short Answers -
Unit 1 - Introduction

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RGUHS 2nd Year B.Sc Nursing Question Bank, Blueprint

RGUHS 3rd Year B.Sc Nursing Question Bank, Blueprint

RGUHS 4th Year B.Sc Nursing Question Bank, Blueprint